Your Life Could Be Your Greatest Investment!!
Time is a precious resource.Life is made up of time.When you squander time,you squander life.How would you invest these resources?The average person invest his money in his career,business or children's education according to his priorities.Then there are those who lavish their resources on entertainment or building up an image for themselves.Those with talents,invest in them to earn money or to gain power and influence.Some with the 'get-rich-quick' mentality go for gambling and other shortcuts. "I will not just give my life-I will not just spend my life;I will invest my life", wrote Hellen Keller,who despite being born with visual and hearing challenges made a great impact on our world! With just five dollars in her pocket and a heart full of love for God and fellow beings,Mother Teresa too started investing her life,and the poor of the world felt the impact on her compassion,as never before.Life is a precious resource.What do with our lives?You ar...