
Showing posts from June, 2017

Your Life Could Be Your Greatest Investment!!

Time is a precious resource.Life is made up of time.When you squander time,you squander life.How would you invest these resources?The average person invest his money in his career,business or children's education according to his priorities.Then there are those who lavish their resources on entertainment or building up an image for themselves.Those with talents,invest in them to earn money or to gain power and influence.Some with the 'get-rich-quick' mentality go for gambling and  other shortcuts.       "I will not just give my life-I will not just spend my life;I will invest my life", wrote Hellen Keller,who despite being born with visual and hearing challenges made a great impact on our world! With just five dollars in her pocket and a heart full of love for God and fellow beings,Mother Teresa too started investing her life,and the poor of the world felt the impact on her compassion,as never before.Life is a precious resource.What do with our lives?You ar...

Flash of Inspiration

With  the World Environment  day  just around the corner,it is of paramount importance that we question who all are responsible  for  the the daily havoc we experience.We experience Rise in temperature every day and we say"What the F**k".It's too hot today!!!".We, the people!It was the result of the illegal waste disposal,heavy pollution,improper waste management and many more that can't be described.If I write all the factors that are responsible for the change in climatic conditions ,I am sure this article Would take place of too heavy book with plenty of pages that we find boring to read.  Look around you and observe.With time,antipollution masks have become more common ,the number of Asthama and Bronchitis Patients has increased,and the sir pollution stats have gone off the charts!The root cause of this lies in the manner with which we treat our mother nature.While on one hand,India is on a rapid growth path,on the other hand,rapid industrialisation,p...

Dealing With Criticism That Comes From Ego

The way of the world is to find fault with others.The world is dominated by mind,which is motivated by ego.The nature of mind is to entwine us in ego.We think we are superior to all others.This Egoistical thinking leads us to criticize others.Throughout the day it is hard to escape criticism of others.Whether at home,during one's commute,at work,at social gatherings,during leisure activity or while playing sports,or even shopping,someone is bound to come along and criticise us.                      There may be a mild sarcastic comment,a put-down,someone  commenting that what we are doing is wrong and there is a way to do something better or an outright verbal fight.Even if we try to stay alone for an entire day,our thoughts are besieged by memories of words spoken by others who crticise us .These thoughts may replay in our heads over and over and over again.And we react.    We may accept what others may say and the...