Flash of Inspiration

With  the World Environment  day  just around the corner,it is of paramount importance that we question who all are responsible  for  the the daily havoc we experience.We experience Rise in temperature every day and we say"What the F**k".It's too hot today!!!".We, the people!It was the result of the illegal waste disposal,heavy pollution,improper waste management and many more that can't be described.If I write all the factors that are responsible for the change in climatic conditions ,I am sure this article Would take place of too heavy book with plenty of pages that we find boring to read.
 Look around you and observe.With time,antipollution masks have become more common ,the number of Asthama and Bronchitis Patients has increased,and the sir pollution stats have gone off the charts!The root cause of this lies in the manner with which we treat our mother nature.While on one hand,India is on a rapid growth path,on the other hand,rapid industrialisation,poor waste management,and increasing vehicle density are some of the factors that lead to environmental detoriation.Not only  is pollution taking lives,but also endangering our future generations,their growth,and sustainable development.
According to a report*,nearly 1.1 million people die prematurely every year in India due to air pollution ,making it one of the deadliest countries in terms of air quality.The Worst;however,is impending.The alarming pace at which pollution is increasing will result in far greater in the years to come.The number of people who will be affected is going to increase .It can be summed up in this Native American saying:"When the last tree is cut down,the last fish eaten,and the last stream poisoned,we will realize that we cannot eat money".

The smog-laden skies and the burning eyes make it imperative to seriously take not of the increasing pollution.It might take years,a  lot of resources and awareness,but doing our bit to improve the situation is in our control.The skies won't clear in a day,however,each and everyone of us has to do his bit of work towards that goal.There are some results which are long term and some  which are short term when it comes to reversing this trend.Luckily,the current era of technological breakthroughs has helped us cover to an extent.An air purifier is a future proof innovation that helps improve  the air quality by filtering out various pollutants,most of which are not even visible to us.Organisations like HONEYWELL are doing their  bit with their wide range of purifiers to help clean the air that you breathe in an indoor Environment.Indoor air is a facet of the environment that we generally ignore.While phenomena like smog are easily outdoors.we think that they are invisible in the confined environment  of our homes.This,however,is a misconception.Indoor air is as bad as the outdoor,in fact in some cases it could be even worse.Although we have little control over the outside environment,we can still take care of the air in our homes.According to WHO,4.3 million people a year die from the exposure to household air pollution**.This should not be ignored.Air purifiers are a safe bet.


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